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Microblading Prep

How to prepare for your appointment...

  • NO alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the treatment (this includes some herbal teas as well)


  • Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to the treatment.


  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before the treatment.


  • Discontinue Glycolic, Chemical Peels and Retin-A 4 weeks prior.


  • Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after your treatment. Check your moisturizer, facewash BB or CC creams and makeup primers for anything that says acid.


  • No brow waxing or tinting one week before.


  • Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle as well.


  • No Accutane for at least 1 year. There won’t be any exceptions for this.


If you recently have had fillers, they should be done 6 weeks prior to your scheduled appointment or done 6 weeks after your final touch up session.

Regarding Botox.  If you have had Botox, it should be performed either two weeks prior to your treatment or 2 weeks after your treatment.


Lastly, it is contraindicated to work on anyone that is pregnant or breastfeeding. 


A few situations occur where you may not be a candidate for permanent make up…

  • Heart Conditions/Pace Maker/Defibrillator (unfortunately there are no special cases where this will be considered)


  • Diabetic (this varies case by case – please consult Gingery Esthetic for details)


  • Trichotillomania (Compulsive pulling of body hair)


  • Hemophilia-Bleeding Disorder


  • Thyroid condition (depending on your medication we can always microblade, but you may need more than the initial session and the follow up appointment to be satisfied with your new eyebrows


  • Rosacea (severe reddening of the face)


  • On Accutane (acne medicine) within the last year


How to take care of your new eyebrows

Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your treatment.

Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrows without getting water on the treated area. When showering, keep your face away from the shower head. Also, bathes are a great option. I have some wonderful referrals if you would prefer a blowout during this time.


Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days post procedure. Avoid picking or scratching as it can pull off scabs prematurely and cause patchy results or scarring. However, experience has shown that by following these after-care instructions, these symptoms may quickly disappear.


For the first 3 days AM/PM use a warm wet cotton round and gently dab the brows to remove any excess lymph. Make sure your hands are clean and gently apply a grain of rice size of the post-care ointment in a dabbing motion to both eyebrows with a cotton swab or clean fingers. I will provide the ointment after your service is complete.


Please discontinue use after 3 days but save your ointment for your follow up appointment for at home use.  The following week you will dry heal and not apply any ointment to the brows. Continue to keep your eyebrows dry until all the scabs have completely fallen off.


The following must be avoided during all 14 days Post Treatment:

  • Increased sweating for a MINIMUM of 7 days or if your scabs have completely fallen off

  • Practicing sports

  • Swimming

  • Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi

  • Sun tanning or salon tanning

  • Exposure to UV/UVA Rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and premature fading

  • Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on the treatment area

  • Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment

  • Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris

  • Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles

  • Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care ointment with a cotton swab

If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact me immediately, to discuss further instructions.


Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, and/or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor.


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